Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Integrative activism aspires to be the most intelligent, innovative, effective and comprehensive form of activism to date.

Integral Activism

Integral as an adjective means: necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.

Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct socialpoliticaleconomic, or environmental change, or stasis. The term connotes a peaceful form of conflict.

What is Integral Activism? It’s a unique form of activism designed to support, coordinate, integrate, and alter more traditional forms of advocacy and activism. Integral Activism is in the business of helping to make the world a better place for as many as possible. After all, the best way to do that is to support the people already doing the work. A business model is being considered for the legal structure as it has far fewer restrictions than various non-profit structures. Final decisions are dependent on legal counsel.  
Integral Activism (hereafter referred to as IA) has several functions including the following.

Fundraising and Promotion of Existing Organizations:
IA operates on the premise that one of the best ways to make the world a better place is to support those doing good and noble work. With more than 1.5 million charitable organizations in the U.S. alone, choosing whom to support can be an overwhelming prospect. The intention of IA is to simplify this process for you. One donation to IA and you can support a wide variety of worthwhile causes and organizations or you can choose your preferences. Visit the “Who We Support” page to view a list with helpful links.

Integrating Organizations, Issues, and Efforts:
There are currently multiple organizations working for the same ends and many interrelated issues that need to be better coordinated. IA is dedicated to integrating a variety of issues, individuals, and organizations for more effective outcomes. New initiatives, campaigns, and organizations will be created through IA for these purposes. Examples can be found in the “New Campaigns and Initiatives” heading below.

New Campaigns and Initiatives:
IA is dedicated to researching the best information and insights to create new groups for and methods of disseminating important and factual unbiased information, organizing events, reframing pertinent issues to positively affect our society. Some of these initiatives include:

The 99 for 90% : an effort to educate citizenry about the history of taxation and alter tax structures to benefit the many.

True(d) Patriots: an effort to revive and restore an appreciation of the history of the beginnings of our Country.

AmeriCAN Day- an effort to restore good faith and integrity in a government Of, By, and For The People of the United States of America. July 20 is the anniversary date of the first moon-walk when Americans demonstrated the incredible achievements possible by a people united in a good and functional government. As Neil Armstrong stated, “We came in peace for all mankind” and “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.
     This commemorative date is one of many further explained in Deep Demonstration Dates

Spiritual, but Not necessarily Religious – an organization to strengthen interfaith harmony while helping to differentiate the differences between spirituality (mature and well informed) and religion in effort to facilitate the transcendence harmful religion to beneficial spirituality.

The New Feminist Movement – recognizing that there is far more to be gained from gender equality than simple gender parity, The New Feminist Movement realizes that slowing the human population explosion and incorporation of female intellectual capital is essential to the well being of our planet.

Deep Demonstration Dates:
In an effort to increase the effectiveness of public demonstrations while facilitating and integrating worthwhile advocacy organizations, I propose annually reoccurring commemorative demonstration dates. For Example,

Dec. 19 could serve as a buy local day. This date is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. This effort can help to educate the populace to the mostly forgotten history in which Colonists protested the unfair tax advantages (The Tea Act of 1773) given to the world’s first multinational corporation (the East India Trading Company). 

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